• Motahareh Haghipanah posted an update in the group Parkinson’s-2024

    1 year, 1 month ago

    The International Parkinson’s Conference (Parkinson’s-2024) will be held virtually on 12-14 April 2024 by the International Center for Neuroscience Research in collaboration with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Georgia. The conference will focus on four primary topics: Parkinson’s Disease: From Biology to Therapy, Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological Approaches to Parkinson’s Disease, Deep Brain Stimulation: From Mechanisms to Clinical Applications, and Non-Invasive Neuromodulation Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease. These topics highlight important areas of Parkinson’s disease and promote a thorough understanding of the subject. On behalf of the scientific committee, we invite MDs, Masters, Ph.D. students, Postdoctoral fellows, and young faculty members to participate in Parkinson’s-2024 and present their research findings.

    We look forward to welcoming you to “Parkinson’s-2024”

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