Adejoke Elizabeth Memudu posted an update
1 year, 2 months agoDear colleagues and friends,
The Organising Committee of the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting cordially invites you to submit proposals for plenary speakers and parallel sessions for next year’s edition.Over the past decades, the DNM has become a platform for the Dutch neuroscience community to be inspired by exciting data and ideas, catch up with old friends and make new connections. By proposing a plenary speaker or organising your own session with an (inter)national key speaker you have the unique opportunity to shape the scientific programme of DNM 24 and create another successful edition of this national neuroscience forum. DNM 24 will take place on Thursday 13 June and Friday 14 June 2024, at the Van der Valk hotel in Tiel. Please check the guidelines for session proposals for details. We especially encourage Dutch Principal Investigators to submit a proposal.
Plenary Speaker proposals
The Organising Committee strongly encourages and welcomes suggestions for plenary speakers. These should be leading figures in their field, with a broad appeal to all meeting attendants. If your proposed speaker is selected by the Organising Committee, costs for the speaker are covered (please consult the guidelines for further details) and you will be appointed chair of the plenary session hosting him/her.Parallel session proposals
This is your chance to organise and moderate a session on your topic of interest and to promote the scientific exchange and discussions with colleagues both from the Netherlands and abroad! You will have the opportunity to invite a renowned speaker at the expense of the organisation (please consult the guidelines for further details). If your proposal is selected by the Organising Committee, you will act as moderator of your parallel session at the DNM 24.Importantly, session proponents should strongly encourage their speakers to attend both days of the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting (or, at the very least, the complete day of their presentation). This is in line with one of the fundamental aims of this meeting: actively promoting the interaction between researchers, old and new, from various scientific backgrounds
Registrations and abstract submissions for this meeting will open next
19 February 2024
https://dnm24.azuleon.org/ -