Adejoke Elizabeth Memudu posted an update
1 year, 2 months agoThe Joint Fellowship Program for Huntington’s Disease Training funds 6 clinical fellows in a highly regarded multi-disciplinary clinic in Europe to observe and learn more about a general or specific aspect of Huntington’s disease (HD).
Selected fellows will be awarded a €2,000 EUR grant for accommodations and living expenses, and reimbursed for additional travel (up to €1,000 EUR) to their participating host site.
Neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiotherapists and clinical geneticists working in Huntington’s disease clinical practice and research are eligible to apply. Deadline: February 21, 2024
Please contact EHDN Secretariat (fep@euro-hd.net) with general or technical questions about the program Link: https://www.movementdisorders.org/European-Section/EHDN-Fellowships.htm?utm_source=realmagnet&utm_medium=email&utm_term=jokememudu%40gmail%2Ecom&utm_content=Jan%2E%202024%20%2D%20MDS%20eNews&utm_campaign=Society%20News